Where the hell is Spring? I had a good long ride today, but man, it was miserable - cold and wet all the way. Two high points of the ride - a hot creamy latte in Steveston, and a long hot shower when I got home. I still have to clean my bike - wash all the road grit off the important parts, and I’m hoping that the rain will stop long enough for me to do that.
Anyway, here’s the latest Training Report, which includes last week and this week, because I just didn’t get around to posting anything last week. I’m pretty pleased with the way things are going. The rides are getting longer, and I’m getting better at them.
Riding 130 km in one day, and then riding another 130 km the next day, seemed like a pretty daunting task, but it now seems actually doable, which is a good thing, because in three short weeks I have to actually do it.
Why The Ride
Our good friend Maureen contributed this personal story to the blog:
My best friend died of leukaemia just after her 16th birthday. We were in Grade 10. Her death was one of the profound events in my life and every April 14 for the past 52 years I think of her and our friendship. Both her father and grandfather were physicians yet they were unable to help her. If she had that type of cancer today, she would have been cured.
I'll be attending my 50th high school grad reunion on June 25 and some of us will be remembering our friend Anne who was so bright, witty, funny, smart, athletic and probably would have been voted most likely to succeed. Instead, she got cancer in the summer of her 15th year.
This is why we're riding.